Monday, March 30, 2020

Heart Cable Pattern

Pattern works over 16 stitches

Row 1: P2, K2, C4B, C4F, K2, P2
Even rows: knit Ks & purl Ps
Row 3: P2, CR4B, K4, CL4F, P2
Row 5: P1, CR3B, P2, C4B, P2, CL3F, P1
Row 7: CR3B, P3, K4, P3, CL3F
Row 9: K2, P4, C4B, P4, K2
Row 11: CL4F, C4B, C4F, CR4B

Repeat rows 3 - 12 to continue pattern

C4B = slip 2 hold to back, knit 2, knit 2 from cable needle
C4F = slip 2 hold to front, knit 2, knit 2 from cable needle
CR4B = slip 2 hold to back, knit 2, purl 2 from cable needle
CL4F = slip 2 hold to front, purl 2, knit 2 from cable needle
CR3B = slip 1 hold to back, knit 2, purl 1 from cable needle
CL3F = slip 2 hold to front, purt 1, knit 2 from cable needle