Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Bags

Don't wrap your Christmas presents, bag them!
I love doing this...I've done it on and off for the past 10 years depending on how much time I have leading up to Christmas. This Christmas I'm feeling particularly organized and on top of everything so I've made some more.

They're so easy. Just buy some pretty Christmas fabric and ribbons. Sew simple sacks in various sizes to fit whatever you are giving. They're especially good for hard to wrap pressies.

Sometimes I sew the ribbon into the back seam. This year I'm just adding the ribbon around the top separately. If the sack isn't quite big enough to scrunch around the top, fold in inside like a pillow-slip and wrap ribbon all the way around the gift.

Here are some, I still have more to do...

They're so easy.
Just fill, tie with ribbon and add a gift tag.
And another advantage is they're reusable!